Friday 11 April 2014

Religion in the City

Walking through Port-of-Spain I stumbled upon this small church tucked away behind all the hustle and bustle of the main city streets. Looking at it I thought about some of the origins of cities and remembered that they were centres for religion. Port-of-Spain may not have been a religious city but religion is still very present in it. A few other churches were observed on my trek about, many of different religions from the Roman Catholics to a Spiritual Baptist church.
What i could infer from the locations of the churches however, was that there was a disparity, like with most other things in these areas , between the locations. Dominant religions were located closer to city centre, historically Roman Catholicism was dominant because of the European colonizers who brought it, but the socially subservient religions were located further from the centre.

1 comment:

  1. You haven't mentioned the denomination of this church or its name or location. What does your text say about religion?
