Thursday 10 April 2014

We Blowing Up

Life as an "Urbanite" can be vastly different from those living in a more rural setting. One particular discrepancy is type of food being consumed. The fast pace of "City Life" rarely leaves time for cooking and marketing for local produce so most dweller resort to affordable fast food from either multinational restaurants or the ever popular street vending or "food carts."  Transnational or Multinational corporations are now and have been for some time the dominant food sources in urban areas. This as a result of the growing interconnectedness of the world economy. This interconnectedness is also a driving factor for the growth of the country's economy. There is the creation of jobs for locals although mostly at a low level and facilitating low skilled labour in most cases. Fast food chains have contributed positives and negatives to urban areas and their consumers at large. some positives include the provision of low cost and convenient food to the poor within the urban area. They also create jobs and thus increase the spending power of lower class persons.Some negatives may be exploitation of lower classes where they pay them low wages, their foods may be unhealthy resulting in long term health problems for the population of consumers.

Hall, Tim. Urban geography. 3rd ed. London: Routledge, 2006.

1 comment:

  1. Would have loved to see more, media, thoughts, references... and another 4 entries!
